
Hello, world! I'm Josh Gilman, often online as 'WhiteRqbbit'. This space is a culmination of my experiences, experiments, and insights as I dive deep into the vast realm of cybersecurity, hands-on lab setups, academic pursuits, and more.
As an enthusiastic learner, I'm continually searching for new challenges and opportunities to expand my skillset. CTF's have proven to be an excellent way to do just that, and I'm eager to share my solutions, strategies, and insights with you. From web exploitation to reverse engineering, we'll dive deep into the world of cybersecurity, picking up valuable skills and melting out minds while doing so.
In addition to CTFs, I'll also be chronicling my academic journey, reflecting on the fascinating topics and concepts I encounter in school and through self-study. Whether it's exploring the intricacies of algorithms, decrypting the secrets of cryptography, or discussing the ethics of artificial intelligence, I'm excited to delve into these subjects and share my thoughts with you.
Lastly, this blog wouldn't be complete without an occasional detour into the miscellaneous. As a curious individual, I often find myself captivated by a wide range of subjects and ideas. I'll share my musings, inspirations, and the occasional rabbit hole I find myself tumbling down.
So, buckle up and join me on this adventure as we journey together down the digital rabbit hole, exploring the boundless wonders of technology, education, and everything in between.