Stepping into the Unknown: My Acceptance into the SANS BACS Program

When we step out on a journey, we are always walking into the unknown. That's exactly what it feels like as I write this blog post today, having recently received my acceptance into the SANS Bachelor of Applied Cybersecurity (BACS) program.
Despite meeting all the prerequisites, transitioning from my previous institution, American Military University, filled me with a mix of confidence and apprehension. Would they find my past academic performance sufficient? Would my experience be enough? My mind, as one could imagine, was a whirlwind of anticipation and anxiety.
As the acceptance email popped into my inbox, a rush of relief washed over me - I was in! I am overjoyed and immensely grateful for this opportunity to further my education and skills in cybersecurity, a field that has fascinated me from the start of my career.
My plan for this journey? To hit the ground running! I believe that my past experience and studies will allow me to tackle the first 2-3 courses of this program relatively quickly. It's my intention to "cram" my first year, in a way. Given my understanding of cybersecurity so far, I am confident that this is an achievable goal.
That's not to say that I expect it to be easy. I anticipate challenges and moments of uncertainty along the way. It's the nature of pursuing something as complex and ever-evolving as cybersecurity. But with every obstacle, there will be a lesson, and every lesson is a step towards mastery.
As I embark on this new academic journey, I am committed to sharing my experience, insights, and thoughts along the way. I plan to pen two blog posts for each class I take - one to share my initial impressions and one as a review before (or perhaps after) the final exam. This is not only for my reflection but also to provide insights for others considering or pursuing the SANS BACS program, as I've found that there isn't much information available online.
Here's to a new chapter in my cybersecurity journey. I am eager to dive in and excited to share the ride with all of you. I look forward to documenting my experiences, struggles, triumphs, and learnings, in the hope that they might help or inspire others in their cybersecurity journey.
Onward and upward!